Although I'm not a fan of the art style, the animation is very solid for rigs. Otherwise, I think this really would have benefited from being at least 10 minutes shorter, the pacing and comedic timing often linger for too long. I think pairing the characters to navigate the party together would have given more insight to their dynamic and personalities beyond optimist/pessimist. Try to find comedic moments in characters' actions rather than pausing every scene to have a verbal rant critiquing whatever they just went through, it's kind of dull after the first couple times. It also makes the big "FUCK YOU" moment at the end feel unearned, and I find myself thinking the characters are just kinda socially awkward jerks rather than directly being wronged or brought to that emotional breakthrough. I get what you're going for, but I'd work on making that resolution come from the characters finding comfort in each others' company instead of "everyone else is the asshole!" I would also prioritize more variety in the framing and visual direction beyond the character/background designs. I think you have the tools to make something better the next go around